Why is tooth extraction necessary for you?
When do you need to get your tooth extracted?
Your tooth may be extracted for multiple reasons that, include:
Fractured tooth
Impacted tooth
Severe gum disease
Severely decayed tooth
Dental injuries
Impacted wisdom teeth
Orthodontic treatment.
Which procedure should you follow?
The dentist will determine whether you are a candidate for simple Calgary Tooth Extractions. The dentist will confirm that the tooth to be extracted has straight roots and enough solid structure.
They will review your health history and ask you to refrain from the blood thinning medications for certain days during the extraction procedures. Once the dentist recommends you to go for simple Tooth Extractions in Calgary, they will move with the following procedures.
Administrate the Aesthetic
In order to ensure the procedure is smooth and comfortable, the dentist will inject the local anesthetic into the immediate area around the tooth. It is necessary for minimizing discomfort.
Release and elevate the tooth
The periodontal ligament fibres must be released, which suspends the tooth from the bony socket. A special dental tool, an elevator, is used to loosen the loose tooth.
After all these things, the dentist will grasp the loosened tooth and remove it from the mouth. They will perform ridge preservation and minimize the bleeding. To complete this process safely, reach Pathways Dental Clinic.
To know more about Calgary Tooth Extractions please visit our website:pathwaysdental.ca
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