A short guide to wisdom teeth extraction

Wisdom teeth extraction in Calgary is a simple process that one has to go through during their late teenage years or in their early 20s. These teeth usually take shape in the adolescent days. But due to improper emergence or crowding the area with crooked teeth, some people need to get it extracted. It causes difficulty in eating and also severe pain and swollen gum problems.

Calgary wisdom teeth extraction is done under sedatives which can be IV, oral, or Nitrous. This is done to minimize the pain. In most cases, it turns out to be a painless procedure. After the surgery, the doctors will prescribe some medications for the bleeding and swelling. But it does not take much time to recover from the surgery. The doctor might recommend you for a final check-up after 2 weeks.


Before recommending a wisdom teeth extraction in Calgary the dentists might check the condition of the teeth through an x-ray. Here they can find out the exact position of the teeth, or if it is under the bone. In several cases, wisdom teeth do not come out properly and get stuck under the bone or the gum. These are extracted through complex surgical procedure and needs more time to heal.

Pathways Dental offers all kinds of dental care services in Calgary. Wisdom teeth extraction in their clinic is done with all the safety measures in a comfortable and friendly environment. They also offer a new patient exam for children and adults for a fee of $1.

To know more about Calgary Wisdom Teeth Extraction please visit our website:pathwaysdental.ca


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