Why Do You Need to Get Your Wisdom Teeth Extracted

Timely removal of wisdom teeth is important for your dental health. Some people see a dentist only when they are in pain. While it is recommended to get the wisdom teeth removed even before they are fully erupted to minimize the risk of further tooth decay and complications. Let’s discuss the top reasons to get a Calgary wisdom teeth extraction appointment right now.

Wisdom teeth are the last set of molars that erupt around the age of 18 to 22 years. Their location makes it challenging to maintain optimum oral health. Therefore, you should get them removed even before the problem arises.

Pericoronitis: It is a severe gum disease, by ignoring the unideal growth of your wisdom teeth, you are sending an open invitation to the disease.

Decay: Wisdom teeth often result in crowding of teeth, which makes it difficult to clean and maintain proper oral hygiene. As a result, you will be more susceptible to damage and decay.

Jaw bone infection: Infectious wisdom teeth can also result in jaw bone infections.

Cysts: Another risk factor of not getting your wisdom teeth removed is fluid filled sacs in the mouth. Get your wisdom teeth removed on time, otherwise, you will end up needing major surgery to get that cyst removed.

Final word

Dentists suggest being proactive in the case of wisdom teeth. Get them removed when 3/4th of the teeth are erupted to minimize the risk of further decay. If are searching for your options for wisdom tooth extraction in Calgary, then book an appointment at Pathways Dental clinic. They are recognized as the best place for family dentistry.

To know more about Calgary Wisdom Teeth Extraction please visit our website:pathwaysdental.ca


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