What are the advantages of Invisalign over other dental treatments?
Invisalign system certainly treats a wide variety of dental issues that involves dental crowding, bite issues such as crossbite, overbite, and underbite, teeth spacing, and of course, teeth and jaw alignment. The alignment trays of Invisalign in Calgary are prepared with smooth and comfortable plastic. The teeth aligning tray series are customized for each patient using 3D computer technology, so they fit perfectly over the patients' teeth. They can take off the aligners whenever they are brushing or eating, which makes them even more convenient.
More advantageous than veneers
Both veneers and Invisalign are considered as least invasive procedures and effective for improving the smile. While veneers are only attached to the front of the teeth to hide any aesthetical flaws, Invisalign is used to solve dental issues more comprehensively. Hence Calgary Invisalign is more advantageous to treat periodontal imperfections and keeping up with oral hygiene.
Invisalign has made it possible for you to straighten your teeth without any visible braces. And the end result you can see, even before starting the treatment. You can reach out to Pathways Dental Clinic to transform your smile with their orthodontic treatment that helps you realign your teeth at an affordable price.
To know more about Calgary Invisalign please visit our website:pathwaysdental.ca
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