Is Invisalign effective for you?

Nowadays, clear Invisalign is widely chosen among people because of its growing popularity over the past few years. It is beneficial for realigning or straightening your teeth. If you want to know whether Calgary Invisalign is the right choice for you, you must understand its pros and cons. What are the pros of Invisalign? Easy removal process: If you want to remove your aligner, then it allows you to remove it physically. The aesthetic factor: Compared to brackets of braces and wires, clear aligners are the popular choice as they are less noticeable to the eyes. Less potential issues: The clear aligners do not make you face potential problems like a broken wire, a bracket that fell off, etc. Easy to clean your teeth: You can easily remove your aligner, floss, and brush your teeth without working around brackets or wires. What are the cons of Invisalign? Need compliance: You need to wear clear aligners for at least 20 to 22 hours a day so that you can get maximum benefits. Less effec...